I've been maintaining this data on Facebook but decided that now that it's complete, it'd be better put here where there's no funky limit on how long my data can be.

http://tinyurl.com/maytrip2009 (before tinyurl, that google maps URL was over 900 characters long)

Total Miles this 3 day weekend (estimated): 691 Miles
Total driving time (est): 11 hours, 32 minutes
10 out of michigan's 12 area codes were covered today:
231, 248, 313, 517, 586, 616, 734, 810, 947, 989
(We were about 30 minutes away from 269 but decided against trying to collect all 11 lower penninsula area codes)

We slept in our own bed each night.

We attended a memorial service, a birthday party, and did extensive yard work. We ate hamburgers every day. In fact, we consumed only two meals not comprising of hamburgers or hotdogs (our traditional Sunday brunch, and our dinner at mancinos in Clare).


Also: 17 weeks and counting on the little one. We'll find out what its sex is at 20 weeks. Can't wait!