[paul] guys
[paul] when I was young
[paul] we trespassed regularly into a shipyard
[name_redacted] where?
[dj_doughy] …
[paul] interestingly, one my friend's brother was killed in due to reckless behavior on his part doing the exact same thing
[paul] so anyway
[name_redacted] paul: oh.
[paul] we found a tugboat in drydock
[paul] inside the fore hatch where the beds were
[paul] we found a huge stash of the nastiest porn ever
[paul] well, at least we thought when we were 12
[niteshad1] The tug was abandoned in dry dock?
[paul] it was hustler and penthouse
[paul] not exactly abandoned
[paul] this was an operating shipyard
[niteshad1] OK, my mistake.
[paul] but anyway, we also did massively stupid shit there
[paul] like the time we went on the piles of rock salt they had deposited there
[paul] there were tarps, held on with tires
[paul] it was wet
[name_redacted] thanks to the local BBS scene the first time i saw hardcore porn in print it was nothing new
[paul] I curled up in a ball in my nylon windbreaker and slid down it
[paul] getting a leg caught in one of the ropes on the way
[name_redacted] my dad has a photo of kids sledding on asbestos piles at a mine in summer time
[paul] causing me to begin to fall/roll down the rock salt
[paul] my glasses flew about 15 feet and I landed face down in a puddle
[paul] everything tasted like salt for a week
[jeff] cute
[name_redacted] when i was little i would pick rock salt up off the sidewalk and eat it at school
[paul] anyway guys I miss adventure
[paul] π
[name_redacted] i'd get horrible headaches for some reason
[paul] but i do like food tasting not like rock salt
[paul] I guess what I'm trying to say is last night was awesome for those who were there
[paul] also, sailors like porn
[dj_doughy] I LIKE PR0N
[paul] alsoalso, the year I moved away from my hometown, another friend of mine was killed invading that same property
[paul] so I guess the lesson here for us all is that shipyards can be dangerous if you're committing criminal trespass
The shipyard mentioned isn't just a shipyard, it's also the dock for a company that ships large amounts of sand, salt, and other things. If you grew up where I did, you probably know exactly where I'm talking about.
Now you know something interesting about me (and my mom is probably like "oh holy shit" but hey, I'm older now, right? π )