April fools day joke on telcodata.


Search for a non-existent exchange. I'm going all Network Solutions on people for this one. 😉

Thanks to everyone for the outpouring of support. It's not the deaths themselves that were as shocking as the crushing blow of multiple ones within such a short timeframe. I'm gonna be okay, I just needed to be alone.

As I said earlier today to a friend of mine – the idea of instant global communication is amazing. I'm not sure if IM is the best method of communicating a death in the family, but I figure as long as it comes from a relative or close friend, it's definitely not tasteless, and it keeps the phone lines free for those who are more directly affected to hear a sympathetic voice at the other end. I've always been a fence sitter as far as internet usage for various meatspace things, but I think this is a good use of instant messaging. What do you guys think – is it okay to communicate death in the family over IM?

2 thoughts on “April fools day joke on telcodata.”

  1. I found out about a death (ex-girlfriend's dad) minutes after it happened, apparently hours before afforementioned ex did, via AIM. I was talking to his wife at the time and she went AFK for a few hours, and then told me that he just died. That was surreal.

    Let me add my warm3st wishes to you. One is hard enough, I can't even imagine two.

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