noweb4u is alive and happy. w00t!

I was on my way to help someone with their computer yesterday, I pulled up to the corner of Elizabeth lake and Scott lake and look to my mapping software, and this comes up:

If I wasn't in a hurry, I would have had some fun with this guy, whoever he is. 😉
That's the friendster testimonial is referring to. muhaha.

I'm tired. I hate insomnia, especially when people gotta keep buggin me when I'm trying to sleep.

I swear, my phone rings one more damn time, I'm ripping out the sim card and deepfrying it. mmm, zesty sim card…

2 thoughts on “”

    1. I couldn't find mapping software that ran in wine, so I took an extra laptop and installed the windows on it so I could run stupid braindead shit that either required windows on a hardware platform (hi, WebJAL and JAL Lite), and the few important things I need a native windows machine for (a w00t w00t goes to Quicken 2003 home and business, delorme street atlas 9, and Microsoft streets and trips 2002)

      I usually keep that laptop closed and plugged in, and when I need to record a transaction, I open it, add the shit, close it and put it back away. Think of it as a $700 checkbook.

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