

Sorry about your eyes…
What that said was:

Hey everyone I wrote a bit of obsfucated perl that translates even the best written prose into something that blends in more with the average livejournal post
Remember, if you need any custom perl programming, my contact information is in my userinfo


while($_=uc <STDIN>){$_=~s/S /Z /g;$_=~s/\s*([A-Z,0-9]+)\s*/~x$1x~/g;$_=~s/E/3/g;$_s=~s/I/1/g;$_=~s/$/!!!!!!!!!!!1111oneoneone/;print $_; };

(The next program reverses the effect)
while($_=<STDIN>){$_=~s/!+1+oneoneone//g;$_=~s/~x([A-Z,0-9]+)x~/ $1 /g;$_=~s/Z /S /g;$_=~s/3/E/g;$_s=~s/1/I/g;print lc $_; };

11 thoughts on “”

          1. My favorite is "Programming Perl", but others have said that "Learning Perl" is good. It all depends on whether you learn from reference material like I do, or whether you learn from instructional material.

            Either way, if you intend to program more than a few programs, you'll want to have a copy of "Programming Perl" on your desk as a reference. It contains wonderful examples on how to initiate TCP/IP connections, how to write servers, how to sort data, how to manipulate files and data, etc. And it describes every function with an example use printed below the description.

          2. just a heads up, but the fact that this post is one Very Long Line breaks the shit out of Safari's rendering. my friends page is now 3-4 screens wide to accomodate that line of text. 🙂

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