Anyone want to see what it looks like when you drop a few grand of network equipment?

( Well? )

So would I, actually. :->
What, you actually thought I would do that? Fuck that. I'm not getting fired just to amuse you. 😛

Yeah, I'm curious who clicks on this..

Free counters provided by Andale.

5 thoughts on “Anyone want to see what it looks like when you drop a few grand of network equipment?”

  1. *hmm*

    Originally I didn't click on that. But I am excruciatingly bored tonite cause I'm up too damn late again.. and you now you have dashed all my hopes of something interesting and fun to look at… You suck. Hah.

    *poots on out*
    *stick fingers in ears and wiggles tongue at you*
    *you sick sick bastard*

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