I would hurt if I wasn't already numb from the pain.

32 hours straight of moving (no sleep), and about $200 later, and I'm completely moved out of a full-on trashed apartment.

I filled a god damned dumpster with honest to god garbage from my apartment.
It wasn't even half full before I started. It's overflowing now.

I filled my storage locker half way, and my new closet almost all the way.

I found clothes I forgot I had.

After having hellish muscle spasms from carrying heavy weight up and down stairs for 32 straight hours, and twisting my ankle so much I forget what a straight ankle looks like ;-), I'll never have to deal with that apartment again, God willing. It's my understanding I'm pretty much home free.

What a long strange trip it's been.

On that note, my official mailing address has changed. Hit me up if you ever have a need for it. 🙂
(and let's face it, everyone in Detroit knows where I live now)

Anyway, I'm rambling, and can barely walk. Time to go to bed.


A national alert system that gives the president the ability to take over the U.S. airwaves during a national crisis may inadvertently extend hackers the same courtesy, thanks to security holes that put radio stations, television broadcasters and cable TV companies at risk of being commandeered by anyone with a little technical know-how and some off-the-shelf electronic components.