Uncategorized Grades! May 5, 2006 paul 8 Comments Straight As last semester. woo. Got an A in History.
straight as last semester, eh? guess that means you didn't get any more or less gayer since the fall ;op haha. [/smartass] Reply
Congratulations on all of your hard work paying off. Though I'm amazed that you got a "A" in the history class with all of the shenannigans surrounding your papers. Reply
I worked hard in that class and paid attention. (I'm actually also amazed with the A. I was totally expecting a B.) Reply
so for each A that you produce, what does Becky reward you with?
I don't kiss and tell.
straight as last semester, eh?
guess that means you didn't get any more or less gayer since the fall ;op
no, my grades didn't get more gay.
Congratulations on all of your hard work paying off. Though I'm amazed that you got a "A" in the history class with all of the shenannigans surrounding your papers.
I worked hard in that class and paid attention.
(I'm actually also amazed with the A. I was totally expecting a B.)