I'm still having DSL problems after SBC came out.

On the other hand, my mom pointed out a picture I missed from her and my sister's trip to England.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

That's right, Mothafuckin snakes on a Mothafuckin plane.

9 thoughts on “”

        1. dude I think you need to now demonstrate your snake shooting prowess. This 4 July or whenever AO does his thing, you, me, rubber snake, XD-9.

      1. No, no, no, no.

        The appropriate method of dispatching a rubber snake is with a shillelagh (or, a facsimilie thereof, consisting of a partial tree trunk, with at least 2 roots sticking out, appropriately decorated for St. Patrick's Day).

        And if I could get the University of Missouri-Rolla's newspaper's website to let me in (it thinks I have the wrong password, but it's obviously lying), I'd post a picture to prove it 🙂

  1. You've had the old ones for what? …Well, since I've known you. In that time I've gone through five pairs. It's about time you got new ones. 🙂

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