Things are calming down a little bit at work. This is generally a good thing. That's all I have to say on that topic.
This week was pretty alright. I need to remember to replace that heavily damaged vacuum hose in my van. I am pretty sure it's why my transmission doesn't shift right sometimes. Either way it's fucked and needs unghettoing. It's been rigged for almost a year now.
Grandma's burial was pretty okay. There were some emotional moments but it went well. Grandma carried me when I was little so I returned the favor, with my dad and two other family members (I can't remember who the other two were).
The trip home was pretty uneventful, as was the trip up. Except that I ran out of gas on the trip up. Damnit.
Last week was pretty blah as a result. Hopefully this week and the following week will hold more promise.
I enjoyed what little time I was able to spend around my family this weekend. I would have spent more but I really needed the sleep I got Sunday. I needed that desperately.
Becky is currently out getting us our basic needs – TP and lightbulbs. An interesting combination.
I'm about to pass out here.
Just felt I should give an update before I got up to a week without one.