From last night's playings on the radio

Welcome to minicom 2.3                                                    
OPTIONS: I18n                                                             
Compiled on Feb 24 2008, 16:35:15.                                        
Port /dev/ttyUSB0                                                         
                 Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys                  
cmd:MONITOR  ON                                                           
cmd:N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:hello paul                                       
N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:that's brilliant.  Easier than I expected            
N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:here's what I see: KC8QAY>CQ:ksup                    
okay turned on local eN8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:Do you see CQ in all my text?  
I do not                                                                        
N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:hello paul                                                 
N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:hmm, you must be in APRS mode or something                 
N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:wow, really, you see all that crap?                        
yes lol                                                                         
N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:hmm, that's like APRS path or something I think            
  .            /\         .       .        :                                    
        .     /  \      .          .       :                                    
             /    \   .        .    *      :                                    
            /      \                 *     :                                    
            | (__) |   .    .       **     :                                    
     .     /| (oo) |\               **     :                                    
          / | /\/\ | \   .     .    *      :                                    
      .  /  |=|==|=|  \     .      *       :                                    
     . /    | |  | |    \  .               :                                    
      / USA | ~||~ |NASA \     .           :                                    
     |______|  ~~  |______|       .        :                                    
    .       (__||__)     .   .             :                                    
       .    /_\  /_\  .     .    .         :                                    
            !!!  !!!                       :                                    
  The cow that jumped over the moon.       :                                    
ascii art ftw                                                                   
N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:laura's impressed                                          
guys its like IRC only more expensive to start doing                            
oh yes                                                                          
N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:/me fails to perform an action                           
/me lol                                                                         
KC8WWP says hello                                                               
N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:okay, so we can go connection based also                   
N8VI>APRS,RELAY,WIDE:will locate directions and transmit to you           

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